“Best Business Mobile App”

For the “Best Business Mobile App”, Click here to download “Thomas Law Mortgage Licenses” Mobile App: http://m.thomas-law.com
Click here for YouTube video of why you will want to download this mobile app. [Coming Soon!]

For Shoppers: Beneficial Features:
1. Shop: Services described [Licensing, Compliance, Training]
2. Budget: Costs detailed [Matrix of Costs Spreadsheets]
3. Conference: scheduled by tele. & email
4. Buy: Purchase services online through Shopping Cart
5. Learn: Follow “Mtg Lic/Compliance News” on Blog
6. Access: Short cut to NMLS through “More” then “Contact Us” pages

For Clients: Beneficial Features:
1. mL2 Status: Check project status on mLicense 2.0 Project Home & Status pages 24/7 through “More” then “Contact Us” pages
2. Status: Check project status on Dashboard 7am-1am through “More” then “Contact Us” pages
3. Conference: Communicate with Herb Thomas by email or tele.
4. Access: Short cut to  through “More” then “Contact Us” pages
5. Access: Short cut to Full Website
6. Access: Short cut to Free training videos
7. Learn: Follow Compliance News on Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn
8. Work Area: Full functionality of mLicense 2.0: sync’ing apps, checklists, documents submitted, order FPCs, COAs, Bonds, tests, analysis of Conditions, deadlines through “More” then “Contact Us” pages
9. Share: Share mobile app with others on Facebook, Twitter & Email