New SAFE MLO Test: Ohio, New York, Maine, Oklahoma, New Mexico Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico have adopted the Uniform State Test (UST) raising the total to 38 states and 44 state agencies. The Ohio Division of Financial Institutions, New York State Department of Financial Services, Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection, Oklahoma Department of Consumer Credit, U.S. Virgin Islands Division of Banking & Insurance, Puerto Rico Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions and New Mexico Financial Institutions Division have adopted the National SAFE MLO Test Component with Uniform State Content. Oklahoma is the 44th state agency that will no longer require a second state-specific test component to be taken by mortgage loan originators (MLOs) seeking licensure with its state agency, effective 10/1/2014. See the UST Adoption Table. Therefore, to obtain a MLO license from 44 state licensing agencies, the MLO must take only the combination National and Uniform State Test. There are still 13 states that require a separate State Test: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, FL, IL, MN, OR, SC, UT, WV.